cewind Most Online v1.3

Compatible XF Versions: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

Visible Branding: No

Icewind Most Online tracks the most visitors ever online at one time, and as well most members, guests, and robots that were ever online. Each statistic tracked also displays the date that statistic was set. To see the date, hover over the number.

The most ever visitor stat is independent of the others, it is not the sum of the members stat added to the guests stat added to the robots stat.

If you find Icewind Most Online useful and wish to show your support, please consider "purchasing" it for $1.99 Cad, at this PayPal link:


. Although not required, your donation via a purchase would be appreciated.


Fully phrased. The public facing phrases can be different than the admin phrases

The most online stats can be set to be displayed in one of four locations in the forum homes sidebar, and one of two places in the sidebar for the online page. See screen shots

Admins can select which statistic to track and display. See options below.

A permission to view most online is added to the general permission group; defaulted to Allow on installation

Admins can set the totals for each stat to what ever they like from the admin cp (tools->icewind most online)


Forum home sidebar location:

members online now; displays as a foot note, in the block. This was done as the stats seemed out of place listed as pairs justified. You can change that template if you choose

below members online now block; a new block with a phrased heading will appear below this block

forum statistics; any checked stat will display in this block, under the latest member stat

below forum statistics block; as the below members block, but located under the forum statistics block

Current visitors sidebar location:

online statistics; as per members online above

Below online statistic block

Statistics to track: you can choose to track and display any one or all most online statistics (tracking one, two, or all four statistics only requires one query write when any new highest total is detected; tracking all four will cause the same one query write as tracking just one)


3 added templates you can change to suit your needs:




Template Modifications:

6, one for each location you want the statistics to be displayed

DB Changes:

A new entry in XenForo's data registry. This add-on does not use the simple cache data registry to store it's values. As this add-on will require to write data when ever a statistic has a higher value, writing the whole simple cache back to the registry didn't seem to efficient (as the simple cache could become very large on some sites), so as a result this add-on generates one quick query to pre-fetch the stored values, see queries below for a break down.


Write: one query only when a statistic has a higher value than what is stored.

Read: one query on forum home, and one for the current visitors page. The other pages require two queries, one to fetch the most online data and the other to fetch the session data. Note, the session data query on those pages just retrieves the data needed for this add-on, so it runs pretty quick.


Standard install, see the read-me file included in the zip. After uploading the file and installing this add-on, run the file health check.

During installation one permission is inserted. Note, this add-on, like all my add-ons does not perform any call-backs or license checks; it just installs itself.


Completely uninstalls itself. After you uninstall this add-on, nothing will be left to show it was ever installed. Again, no call-backs, it just uninstalls.

This add-on can not be redistributed or re-packaged in any way without the consent of the author. This add-on can only be installed if you downloaded this add-on from xenforo.com or icewindalerp.com

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